The Transforming Power of Hypnotic Dreamwork
Winner of the Founder’s Award for Excellence in Professional Literature
From Randal Churchill, Originator of Hypnotic Dreamwork™
The Book that Transcends Interpretation

Table of Contents: Become the Dream by Randal Churchill
preface to first edition
preface to second edition
1. The Transformational Nature of Hypnotherapy
The Subconscious is the Key
Hypnotic Phenomena
Facts and Fallacies
The Experience of Hypnosis
Karen’s Story
Kenn’s Story
Frank’s Story
2. Hypnotic Dreamwork: Subconscious Access Galore
Dreamwork from the Gestalt Perspective
Basic Gestalt Dreamwork Methods and their Hypnotic Effects
Combining Further Hypnotic Processes with Gestalt Dreamwork
Providing a Supportive Presence
Common Steps in Hypnotic Dreamwork
3. Dream Recall and Hypnosis
Preparation for Improved Dream Recall
Awakening and Remembering
4. Kay’s Dream: The Kidnapped Boy and the Goldfish Messenger
Interview One Week Later
5. Rachel’s Recurring Dream: Back in the House of Israel
Rachel Writes Three Years Later
6. Susan’s Dream: Rosemary’s Baby
Post-Session Dreamwork One Week Later
Susan Writes Three Years Later
7. Patrick’s Dream: Pulling the 747 Jet
8. The Return of Sharon’s Recurring Childhood Nightmare:
The Broken Blinds and the Staring Stranger
Interview One Week Later
Sharon Writes Nine Months Later
9. Questions and Answers
10. Cheryl’s Dream: The Magic Bus Appears in Mexico
Cheryl Writes Three Years Later
Cheryl Writes Nine Years Later
11. Cynthia’s Recurring Dream: Not You, Mother!
12. Introduction to the Use of Regression in Dreamwork
Regression and Gestalt Theory
Purposes and Methods of Transitions into Regression
13. Christine’s Dream and Regression:
Crawling Over the Six-Inch Hurdles
Interview One Week Later
Christine Writes Two Weeks Later
14. Liz’s Dream and Regression:
The Assassin and Victim Number Six
15. Nina’s Fairy Tale Dream: Saving her Russian Village
16. Jim’s Dream:
The Crashing Waves on the Computer Screen
Interview One Week Later
17. Lucid Dreams and Their Hypnotic Development
Techniques for Checking In
Developing Lucid Dreams
Hypnotic Dreamwork with Lucid Dreams
18. Hypnodreams
Eliciting a Hypnodream
Guided Hypnodreams
19. Delores’ Hypnodream:
The Soaring Bicycle Ride to the Golden Planet
Delores Writes Nine Years Later
20. The Evolution of Tom’s Hypnodream into Regression:
The Drowning Woman
21. Karen’s Dream: The Golden Child in the Moving Painting
Karen Writes Four Years Later
22. Jan’s Dream: Journey to the Sacred Mountain
23. Barbara’s Dream:
Thousands of Butterflies in the Living Room
annotated bibliography
Afterword: The Dream of Restoring Our Future
To Order Become the Dream
Introduction by Ormond McGill
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