Hypnotherapy Book Order Form

To celebrate the new release of Churchill-Canfield’s Law: What Can Go Right Will Go Right,
we are currently offering sales on these outstanding books by Randal Churchill.

Transcripts of Transformation, Volume I

Recently published 2nd Edition
“…the most important book about regression ever published.”
Winner of the Founder’s Award for Excellence in Professional Literature

by Randal Churchill

480 pages, hardbound, with dust cover, 6×9
Printed on acid-free natural recycled paper with soy based ink
ISBN: 978-0-9656218-4-7
$59.95 Sale! $49.95

Regression Therapy book cover

Transcripts of Transformation, Volume II

“…a treasure whose gifts are never-ending.”
” …a major advance in the teaching literature of Hypnotherapy.”

by Randal Churchill

448 pages, hardbound, with dust cover, 6×9
Printed on acid-free natural recycled paper with soy based ink
ISBN: 978-0-9656218-2-3
$59.95 Sale! $49.95

Catharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy book cover

The Transforming Power of Hypnotic Dreamwork

Current 2nd Edition
“…unique and revolutionary…”
Winner of the Founder’s Award for Excellence in Professional Literature

by Randal Churchill

312 pages, hardbound, with dust cover, 6×9
ISBN: 978-0965621830
$44.95 Sale! $39.95

Become the Dream book cover

    Order Information

    Regression Hypnotherapy Vol I, 2nd Edition @ $49.95 sale priceCatharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy Vol II @ $49.95 sale priceBecome The Dream 2nd Edition @ $39.95 sale price


    $7.95 ($3.95 each additional book) within the USA.$29.95 ($12.95 each additional book) First Class Mail to Canada$38.95 ($16.95 each additional book) First Class Mail to other countries – allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

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