REGRESSION HYPNOTHERAPY: Transcripts of Transformation
The Regression Therapy Training Guide
Randal Churchill

Both volumes of the Transcripts of Transformation set are designed as regression teaching texts for beginning and experienced practitioners of hypnotherapy. Some of the techniques used in these books often bring forth strong emotions, as is demonstrated in many of the sessions of this volume. The forthcoming second volume, Catharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy, continues where this one leaves off, including guidance and in-depth explorations of sessions that include various forms of cathartic abreaction.
There has been a strong need for more comprehensive literature in the extremely important field of regression therapy. Guidance and details regarding therapeutic options is severely limited in most books. Almost all books on the topic provide little or no information on certain powerful forms of the work, with few even touching on the profoundly significant integration of Gestalt and hypnotherapy, which was first published in Gil Boyne’s groundbreaking Transforming Therapy. Another of many limitations in this area is the practice of automatically steering clients to either avoid feelings during regression, which often excludes profoundly effective options, or to always confront memories and related feelings, which is not always a wise and safe choice. And many books do not give crucial information to help achieve accurate memory retrieval, or worse, encourage ideas, techniques and expectancies which can lead to inaccurate recall.
This current volume fills significant gaps and adds details that are missing from other books, making this first volume alone, I believe, the most comprehensive text published to date about how to use regression for powerful therapy. It is important to note that certain modalities in this book will necessitate working, at times, with the exceptionally strong expression of emotions from clients, so for practitioners doing this work, Volume II will provide essential additional guidance.
These are not beginners’ texts for the subject of hypnosis. The professional without previous hypnosis education is urged to get qualified eclectic training from a state-licensed hypnotherapy school before using the regression interventions in these books as an adjunctive therapeutic modality. It is not recommended for professionals or nonprofessionals to attempt hypnotic regression work to a traumatic experience alone in self-hypnosis. It is important to have the support of a well-trained and skilled professional under such circumstances.
It would seem a reasonable assumption that many clients would be more forthcoming about intimate issues during private sessions, as opposed to being taped and in a group. However, the transcripts of this series show a tremendous openness during these class demonstrations. This is partly because of the bonding that occurs in the 200-300 class hour trainings at the Hypnotherapy Training Institute, where we strive to maintain a very supportive atmosphere. In fact, there can be potential advantages to the client inherent in such demonstrational therapy in contrast to private session work, including in some cases an added intensity and focus. Also significant is possible feedback from class members at the conclusion of some sessions, as well as the intrinsic value of a supportive group presence for which the client and I can be most grateful.
That said, I’ve found a consistency in the profound effectiveness of comprehensive regression strategies, like those in this series, in private and in other groups as well. My private clients for decades have gotten very powerful results from a single session or two of regression work (which is usually done in the context of a brief series of sessions), and so have volunteers for demonstrations I have given at other schools and at International Hypnotherapy Conferences. In fact, a few of the sessions in these volumes were at such conferences.
There are many therapists interested in past life regression, in fact many who specialize in this area. I’ve noticed a particularly strong interest from those coming for training from various cultures around the world, as well as with many individuals from our Western culture. While the subject matter of this volume is ostensibly about age regression, this entire volume (with the exception of the Hypnotic Dreamwork™ material at the end of the book) is relevant to past life regression. And there is much important material herein that has not been included in any books on this form of regression. In addition, past life regression will be specifically explored, including with full transcripts, in a section of Volume II.