Transcripts of Transformation Volume I
The Regression Therapy Training Guide

REGRESSION HYPNOTHERAPY: Transcripts of Transformation
the new book by Randal Churchill
Table of Contents – 427 pages
1. Regression Hypnotherapy and Its Profound Potential
The Power of Regression
The Relevance of Regression to the Practice of Hypnotherapy
Transformation and the Mind-Body Connection
Churchill’s Recipe for Outstanding Therapy
In Perspective
2. Uses of Regression to Non-Traumatic Experiences
Finding Lost Valuables
Remembering Important Details
Exploring Wish Fulfillment Dreams
Keith’s Life-Saving Dream
3. Uses of Regression to Traumatic Experiences
Checking for Subconscious Permission
Regression without Consciously Recalling Memories
Recall of Memories with Emotional Detachment
Working with Memories and Emotions
Summary of Major Steps in Emotional Clearing Regression
4. Accessing Gestalt Methods
Establishing Dialogue
Concept of Maturation
Gestalt Strategies in the Context of Hypnosis and Regression
Creating Ideal Parents
Mistakes to Avoid and Directions to Take with Gestalt
5. Utilizing Ideomotor Signals in Regression
Establishing Ideomotor Responses
Examples of Eliciting Responses
6. Direct vs Indirect Suggestion
Understanding the Broad Context of Suggestion
The Myth of the Inherent Superiority of Indirect Suggestion
Toward an Accurate Representation of Erickson and the Field of Hypnotherapy
7. Mary’s Fear of Public Speaking
Humiliated in Grade School
8. Sophie’s Grief
Saying Goodbye to Grandma
9. Ericka’s Difficulty with Boundaries
The Little Girl Who Had to be Grown-Up
10. Kenn’s Terror of Further Neck Surgery
The Former Gambler Stooped with Shame
11. Questions and Answers
12. Beneath Janine’s Sabotage of Her Success
The Real Issue Explored
13. Jacquie’s Attraction of Unhealthy Relationships
Nary a Sensitive, Successful Man to be Found
14. Recovered Memories
Reclaiming Logic on Both Sides of the Controversy
The Recovery of Memories
The Controversy
The Power of Suggestion
Some Therapists in Denial
Toward a Balanced Perspective
Effective Procedures for Recovering, Revivifying and Enhancing Accurate Memories
The Purpose of Therapy
15. Christine’s Overwhelming Responsibilities
The Breech Birth: “I Can’t Do It”
16. Ron’s Mysterious Heartache
Discovering the Source of His Sadness
17. Pat’s Struggles from Abuse
The Baby Who Didn’t Dare Cry
Follow-up Session
18. Lynette’s Lack of Confidence
The Teenager Who Couldn’t Stand Up For Herself
19. Craig’s Lingering Resentment
The Absent Father
Follow-Up Session
20. Gerrie’s Fear of Abandonment
A Year in a Drawer
21. Hypnotic Dreamwork as Regression
The Integration of Gestalt Dreamwork and Hypnotherapy
The Gestalt Perspective on Dreamwork
Accessing the Subconscious with Gestalt Dreamwork Methods
Combining Additional Hypnotic Processes with Gestalt Dreamwork
Common Steps in Hypnotic Dreamwork
22. Marilyn’s Dream
The Crumbling Mountain
annotated bibliography